
Freshman applicants can apply to Engineering Undeclared + Business. Applicants who select this track and are accepted to M.E.T. will have one academic year to declare one of the six pathways available in M.E.T. (BioE, CE, EECS, IEOR, MSE or ME).

Fall Units Spring Units
CHEM 1A+1AL – General Chemistry, CHEM 4A – General Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis, or Natural Science Elective1 4-5 ENGIN 7 – Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers, or COMPSCI 61A – Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs3 4
Freshman Engineering Course(s)2 2-5 PHYSICS 7A – Physics for Scientists and Engineers 4
MATH 1A – Calculus5 4 MATH 1B – Calculus5 4
UGBA 106 Reading & Composition Part B Course4
Reading & Composition Part A Course4) 4 Breadth Course7 3-4
ENGIN 92 – Perspectives in Engineering 1
18-22 19-20

1 Chem 1A/1AL is recommended. CHEM 4A is for students majoring in chemistry, chemical engineering or a closely related field. Intended Electrical Engineering & Computer Science students may take an alternate course from the Natural Science Elective list instead of CHEM 1A/1AL.

2 Choose one course from the following list based upon possible major:

  • Bioengineering: BIOENG 10 and 26
  • Civil Engineering: CIVENG 92 and COMPSCI/STAT C8
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences: COMPSCI 61A
  • Industrial Engineering and Operations Research: DES INV 15
  • Materials Science and Engineering: MATSCI 45 and 45L
  • Mechanical Engineering: ENGIN 26

3 Intended Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences majors should take COMPSCI 61A during the first semester, and CS 61B during the second semester. Students starting at the Math 53 level are encouraged to take EE 16A during the first semester and EE 16B the second semester.

4 R&C courses must be taken for a letter grade (C- or better required). The first half (R&C Part A) must be completed by the end of the freshman year; the second half (R&C Part B) must be completed by no later than the end of Spring semester of sophomore year.

5 Most engineering majors are required to take MATH 53 and MATH 54 their sophomore year. If Exam Credit is used to fulfill Math 1A and 1B, then Math 53 or Math 54 should be taken during the freshman year. Intended Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences majors are not required to take MATH 54. Intended Materials Science and Engineering students are required to take PHYSICS 89, not Math 54. Math 1A + Math 1B, and Math 53, or Math 54 fulfill the UGBA Calculus prerequisite.

6 Students must take either UGBA 10 or ECON 1 (or ECON 2) their freshman year to fulfill a UGBA prerequisite. All UGBA prerequisites must be completed by the end of the Spring semester of sophomore year.

7 Students in the M.E.T. Program must successfully complete six breadth courses over the period of 4 years, one in each of the following categories:

  • Arts and Literature
  • Historical Studies
  • International Studies
  • Philosophy and Values (will be satisfied with UGBA 107)
  • Physical Science (will be satisfied with Physics 7B)
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences (will be satisfied with Econ 1)

Students wishing to receive credit and/or units for taking AP or IB exams are encouraged to review the M.E.T. exam credit guidelines.